Monday, November 26, 2007

That Darn Biological Urge ...

Among the many things I have done in attempts to rid myself of my stubborn, disgusting acne:

  • visited 4 dermatologists
  • used various topical ointments
  • taken various antibiotics
  • taken birth control
  • entertained religious thoughts
  • used at-home peels
  • wasted thousands of dollars on over-the-counter products
  • applied masks made of aspirin, egg yolk and honey
  • trolled acne message boards day and night
  • learned how to read cosmetic product ingredient lists in search of comedogenic components
  • performed wildly unsuccessful "acne surgery" at home
  • exfoliated with Scotch tape
  • used unknown acne supplements from skincare boutiques
  • used vinegar, straight, as a toner
  • swallowed vinegar
  • gone on a no wheat/no dairy/no processed sugars/no junk food diet
The last attempt is the most recent, borne out of desperation. Despite all my attempts, the acne is still there after 15 years and thousands of dollars and I've recently noticed a good bit of ice pick scarring on my cheeks; hence the no-holds-barred stab at altering my diet. Despite being loved by friends and family and having a boyfriend who constantly tells me I'm sexy, I'm feeling uglier than I have in decades.

As I fret, research, put extra effort into my appearance to distract from the spots and eschew a delicious pasta product that I crave, I sometimes think to myself how fortunate I really must be. Not fortunate to have persistent and ugly acne, of course, but fortunate enough to have such an easy life that I can become obsessed with my looks. Witness: in researching volunteer projects I'd like to take part in next year, not ONE of the "relief" projects in Tanzania, Cambodia, Costa Rica or Chile involves "Bolstering Self Esteem" or "Sexy Makeovers."

I soothe my guilt by telling myself that my vanity is a biological urge and cannot be helped. Species are driven to carry on their genes and they do this through natural selection. I must be fit if I am to be considered a desirable partner for DNA recombination. No one, I am sure, will want to chance passing on skin like mine. Or turkey thighs like mine. Or my puffy hair.

So there. I do not combat disease or hunger or bad breakups or financial misery but I do plenty of combat in the fight to carry on my genes.

Now back to the vinegar and green vegetables .....

Friday, November 16, 2007

Hell yeah

Great News, curvy women! I'm so glad I broke out of the eating disorder phase of my negative body image issues.

(click on the title of the post)

Friday, November 02, 2007

New, Old

It is strange to look at the scuffed, painful, ugly and dowdy shoes in my closet and remember a time many years ago when I first spied them in the store window and stopped short, heart in throat, wondering just who at Nine West had read my mind and produced the exact black leather pumps with round toes and 4 inch high stacked heels that I had been dreaming of. 

And I would rather walk the spit, dust and gum-strewn streets barefoot than wear them now.