Thursday, December 28, 2006

Why is the WWM necessary?

Dolly/27/Latina/Library assistant
Why is the WWM necessary?
Writing a ’zine and blogging was a cathartic experience in my early twenties. Plus, being my own editor/publisher/etc. was freeing as my words were w/out censorship. One problem however, was that aside from a few letters/posts and discussions w/close friends, I felt marooned to my realm of thought only. Sure, I knew what my worldviews were, but how did they fare in contrast to other women? What did other females feel/think?
For some time now, I’ve wanted to start something that was more inclusive; I wanted the existence of a place where ALL women could voice themselves about ALL topics pertinent to them. Understanding that a ’zine might be dated, the idea of communal blogging seemed like a more (techno) logical step toward female solidarity. My good friend Simone & I created this blog so that ALL women could be heard w/out restrictions.
I truly hope that the WWM serves as a home for free thought, and facilitates the connection of women on ALL levels.
So...let’s get our feminist fingers to our keyboards.
dolly x0x0x0
“Let woman then go on -- not asking as favour, but claiming as right, the removal of all the hindrances to her elevation in the scale of being . . .” --Lucretia Mott (don‘t know who she is? Find out on your next googling spree)

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