Friday, April 27, 2007

"F*ck you b*tch! It's my turn."

These were the words uttered - no, shouted - at me around 1 AM this morning by a complete stranger.

I, too, was on my way home, minding my own business, IN MY OWN CAR. You'd think that at that point you should be safe from unwanted harassment.

Let me tell you the story.

I was on the freeway home after a lovely, but late, evening out. There were some road repairs so the normally 5-lane traffic becomes 1 lane. Here I am, amongst this stop-and-go traffic in the dead of night, when some big truck tries to forcefully cut me off - no signaling or anything.

Now, I generally do not take to anyone's manipulation easily. Likewise, I inched forward to indicate that, no, that's kind of a dick move, sir.

The driver (white male, mid- to late- thirties) opens his door in the middle of traffic, gets out of his huge Ford (250?) truck, and shouts at me through my windshield, "FUCK YOU BITCH! IT'S MY TURN."

I am smaller than he is and my car is smaller than his. Maybe I should have just run him over, but can someone please explain what in the world I could have done to respond to this?

I simply switched lanes and drove away. But I wish I could have expressed, in no uncertain terms, how inappropriate and unacceptable his words and behavior is. It was the one time I wish I carried a gun, just to overcome this stupid difference in intimidation potential.

1 comment:

nitoito said...

That sucks Simone! Let's just take note that similar to my incident, it was a dude in a truck. What the fuck! I am sure he is also compensating for a few things that he lacks. Anyway, I hate when something like that happens and you are so shocked someone is that big of an asshole that you don't have a comeback. I know it is easier said then done but forget about him. I don't like giving those kinds of folks the satisfaction of ruining my day.