Wednesday, May 23, 2007

[my] Life's big Questions

I spent the night with one of my best friends and her husband last night. After dinner at Souplantation and internet shopping for bathing suits and Spanx, she laid it on me: the hard questions about my relationship.
- So how long are you going to hold out/on until you say, "Shit or get off the pot."
- If you are not the center of his life now, after almost 6 years, will you ever be?
- How long is he going to string you along before he makes up his mind?
- What the hell are you waiting for?

Last year, these questions occupied my thought, initiated by my own mind. Within the past year I have decided that more important than wedding vows to me was sharing my life with my man. If that meant he needed more time, then I'd give it. If it meant I needed to hot pass on the familial pressure to get married, then I'd oblige. I felt freeing and I have been less worried about it...

Then the questions rear their ugly heads, again. And if anyone mentions that damn book, He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt I will cry. I read it and I hate it. A man wrote it and who cares if he was a writer on Sex in the City.

I will always prefer the freedom of knowing over the freedom that comes from overlooking or forgetfulness.

Answering questions with questions: What have others done in my situation? What should I be asking myself to determine my decision? Why do people so many people see marriage as the ultimate goal of a relationship?

1 comment:

monie love said...

thanks for sharing your thoughts/feelings so frankly...i often find myself asking a lot of the same questions, and then, like you, answering questions with more questions. (i hate to admit it, but i own he's just not that into you and have read it cover to cover. it drives me nuts!)

it's crazy to me that marriage still causes so much turmoil in women's lives, even to young feminists in the year 2007! not sure if you saw my old post about marriage, but i am so conflicted about it. pressure from outside forces (friends, family, the media) never helps much, does it? sigh.


ps: i'm so glad you decided to start posting! your 2 recent posts have been so great, and i can't wait to read more.