Friday, June 08, 2007

cheer up, charlie!

Sometimes, which seems like all of the time, this world seizes my ability to think non-cynical thoughts. My focus can become so centered on what's lacking in dollyland that I fail to muse over the amazing subtleties of life, which surround me. Why do I resort to this line of logic? Why do I obsess over fickle desires or emotions and not enjoy what the ever-present "now" has to offer?

Well, in an attempt to defeat the self-defeating, I give you...

"My list of small, everyday occurrences that reinforce my love for the everyday!" phwew!

1. Nice drivers
2. Yummy salads
3. People who ask, "how's yr day going?" and are genuinely concerned/interested
4. Watching birds take dirt baths
5. A good cup of java
6. Prayer
7. Hugs
8. Sweet words and kisses from my husband
9. Learning new words
10. Friendly strangers
11. Watching mothers and their newborns
12. Meeting self-confident women
13. Feeling appreciated
14. Thinking of a song and then hearing it on the radio shortly after
15. A good laugh
16. People who are socially (on big and small scales) aware
17. a great conversation
18 .... ???

Well, I'm sure my list could go on and on, but I feel that you and I get the point: there's much in life, which engenders happiness. And, this "much" I'm referring to isn't hard to locate on your personal map...and while I know this post is sappy to the 10th power, it was cathartic for me ;)
if you've anything to add to this list, feel free to do so!


LAJRL said... e-mail from an old friend that reads "I miss you!"
...when my dog sees me, she acts like I've been away for YEARS although it's only been an hour. (That's her photo above.)
...a perfectly-made latte
...a really, really good dinner
...a really, really good book
...seeing a zillion American Goldfinches at my birdfeeder eating the food I so carefully chose for them. (I'm sure they'd thank me if they could.)
...seeing a bald eagle (lots of them around here.)
...getting up super early because I'm going to a job I adore and can't wait to get there. family

dolly said...

awesome list, but how about trips to cali!!! cali and trader joe's miss you ;)

monie love said...

my (belated) additions:
-spending much-needed quality time with friends
-having a hearty laugh with someone
-the feeling i get from riding my scooter in mild, sunny weather
-girl scout cookie season
-bike rides en masse
-farmer's markets
-the smell of jasmine on a hot summer night
-dim sum outings with my family

Anonymous said...

here are mine:

-leaving for work and knowing your apartment is spic and span!
-seeing your future tomato plants bloom
-uncontrollable laughter
-belated surprises
-helping someone understand
-hearing someone say "I can't stop kissing you."
-catching a whiff of orange blossoms on the way to work
-discovering a new store on a new street
-friends. just ... friends.