Wednesday, June 06, 2007


this morning while walking from the transpo depot to work, i read a sticker on a nearby suv that said, "DON'T TRASH CALIFORNIA."

it was clear from the design that it was referring to waste/pollution, not trash talk from out-of-staters.

i wanted to knock on his window, and say, "dude, do you not realize you're polluting california with your car use right now?" jeez!


noelle_ma_belle said...

simone, i'm devising a strategem to give suv drivers in la a piece of my mind. i'll tell you about it the next time i see you.

today i even yelled out at one "you don't need a car that big!"

Da said...

can we seriously start a suvs-are-ridiculous club?

-says the chick with the hybrid.