Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2 Things I Hate

There are 2 things I really hate 1) SUV's 2) Men that drive SUV's. I was on the 10 driving to Alhambra when I merged into a lane just at the same time as another guy. Now, most people would probably recognize that it was bad timing on behalf of both people but this asshole thought it was my fault and decided he would ride my ass in his brand new truck. When he got the opportunity he cut over two lanes and then cut back to get in front of me and of course he slammed on his breaks. How predictable! So after getting very close to rear ending him I decided to not play that game and stayed way back just to further piss him off. Ahhh it put me in such a crappy mood that yet another SUV with some dude in his big truck and his masculinity (or lack of) went out of his way to be an ass. Why is this shit necessary? And at the end of the day do assholes like him feel better about themselves?


Da said...

I don't know why they're such assholes, but I know exactly what you mean. I thought it was just because I drove a hybrid. Honestly, unless you're actually using your truck to haul construction materials or something, it's completely ludicrous to have in an urban environment in the first place.

monie love said...

grr! i totally feel you both on this one. i hate when someone in a large SUV or truck does something similar when i'm driving the side streets on my SCOOTER! i always think to myself, "ooh, it makes you a real big, tough man driving in your big ass vehicle and trying to intimidate me on my little scooter." it's so freakin' dumb and dangerous, not to mention destructive to the environment!