Sunday, February 25, 2007

Year 27 & 28

I went to a 30th birthday party tonight and asked the birthday girl if she felt any wiser. I personally think that as Aaliyah once sang, "age ain't nothin but a number." But I was curious to see what the birthday girl thought. She said it was no biggie and that she didn't feel any older or wiser. She said 27 and 28 are the years that are the toughest where you grow a stomach pouch and your bootie grows. After that you get comfortable with your body and learn to exercise to stay in shape. I said, "Great! This is my year! for growth" So, as I anticipate my butt and my bellie to grow this year, I will continue eating as much as I want. Might as well enjoy while I can! So, I celebrated the rest of the evening by eating 2 cupcakes. Damn they were good.

1 comment:

O.I. said...

good for you, nitoito! i turn 27 in about a week and a half and started noticing the telltale signs of aging at 26 - flapping chicken wing biceps and things sagging a little more than usual. am i finally ahead of the curve? sigh.