Tuesday, February 06, 2007

food for thought

I was sitting in the lunchroom today and noticed that for every 1 guy happily enjoying his huge hungryman-esque entrée, there were at least 2 women (including me) nuking their minuscule-portioned lean cuisine/weight watcher rations. And I say rations because when you’re a woman, who is constantly reminded by society to watch her figure, every calorie counts. I hate that women aren’t supposed to enjoy food, and I hate that although I occasionally indulge in rich fares, I’m a calorie counter too.

I’ve never, ever, ever, ever seen a guy who refused a food item because it was “too fattening,” or because he was “watching his weight.” It’s not right.

Maybe I’m just being biased and limiting my thoughts to personal experience, but this is what I see and, this is what I feel needs to change.              


O.I. said...

My brother consciously watches what he eats! But then again ... that's my bro. ;)

dolly said...

i shouldn't box people in. you're right, men do watch what they eat too. it's probably a human thing rather than a man/woman thing. media can be harsh when scrutinizing the male form too.