Tuesday, January 09, 2007

officiants, and florists, and rings, oh my!

I'm engaged. Go ahead, attach or insert any emotion you'd like for I am encircled by them all. I'm amazed most of all for I never thought, being a person who tried to remain an island unto herself, I would ever want eternal commitment. But here's the thing, now I DO. It’s quite liberating to realize that companionship and categorical love does exist; I mean, I always knew it did, but it’s nice to know that I can indulge in my share of the love pie too. (Did I just say love pie? Please, don’t run with that one! I know it was wrong on a multitude of levels).
Yet, despite my love for one man, I do not love the trip getting to the altar! They should really call it an alter cuz @ the end of this long debacle, which is wedding planning, my core-self will me forever be changed. Everyone has something to say about something…yeesh! It’s hard for some to accept our plan for a small, non-traditional affair with immediate family, and maybe a few friends thrown in the mix. We desire this type of ceremony etc., because it reflects us as a couple…low pro! I’m not fond of all the smoke and mirror aspects of traditional ceremonies/receptions, i.e., walking down an aisle, bouquet/garter toss, $1 dance etc. It’s for some, but maybe not for me…still undecided @ this point. Maybe I’m just too cynical?
Although, I won’t lie and say that I’m not entirely above oohing and aahing over colors schemes and wedding favor ideas; it’s actually quite nice to fuss over the stereotypical “girlie” aspects of wedding planning, and I even found myself longing to see the linen selections our wedding venue had to offer. Who knew I was such a dork? But overall, I want (and look forward to) simplicity, a few drinks, and (cue the soft jazz and dim the lights) the love of my new husband on my wedding day. Guffaw, guffaw, guffaw.


Melarky said...

That's all well and good, Dolly, but you ARE going to have a buck-a-suck life saver shirt at your Bachelorette party aren't you? AREN'T YOU?! Your wedding day won't be complete unless you've first had strange (in every sense of the word) men suck on your boobal region. For money.

Brooke said...

One of the best blogs I've ever read - I find myself in a similar situation (no, I am not engaged at the moment) but it looks like it may actually happen to me and I am suprised at how all those things I thought I hated (wedding dresses, invitations, rings, color schemes, etc.) are starting to appeal to me. In a weird way, I look forward to doing some, no all, of that stuff. Hope your wedding is everything that you and your groom want it to be.

Brooke said...

Okay, I meant I look forward to doing some, NOT all, of that stuff. Or did I just make a huge Freudian slip?